Arizona BLM has really nice signs for their wilderness areas and not so great directions or maps. We did the ever popular go out, drive around until you find a road that looks right, drive down, realize it is the wrong road and try again. Anyway we found the Gibraltar Mountain Wilderness fairly easy as there was a freaking big mountain to aim towards.
After being in Moab the scenery was amazing different and yet desert beautiful in the same way. Not expecting to see anything or having a specific destination allowed us to just wander and take in the surroundings. 
Even though the Colorado River is less then 15 miles away, this is very dry landscape. We saw no wildlife, which is not unusual for us, on our hike thru the area.
We did see numerous varieties of cacti which I love.
We did see numerous varieties of cacti which I love.
We hiked for about 3 hours around the area and saw numerous rock formations while soaking up the sun.
Wanting to get to our second wilderness area we walked back to our car and heading for East Cactus Plains wilderness.
We figured that this was one of those wilderness areas where four wheelers have basically tore it up, traded it to BLM as "wilderness" and got a brand new area to ride in.
There is basically open desert for as far as the eye can see. A power line borders one side and a military bombing area (heard did not see) in the distance. We took a short walk-a-bout thru the area to just look around.
The area was barren and yet pretty in a way that I cant really explain. If you have ever been in the desert, then you understand.
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