Just when you think that the only concerns that the backwoods people from Idaho have is to make sure that they have the current addition of "Deliverance Monthly", they show us all that they can be environmental activists. With all the turmoil and strife over dams on the Snake River, as well as numerous others, these
Idahoans have shown that they are keeping abreast (not the anatomical way either) of current engineering advances to assist in the preservation of water species. Take for instance the
Steel head variety that are fished heavily in the Salmon and Snake Rivers. There has been
lengthy discussions in the environmental community regarding both the positive and negative attributes of "fish ladders" to help migrating species passed our inappropriately placed dams. Well let me tell you, the backwoods people of Idaho have found the solution.
So Simple.
So Ingenious.
So Perfectly Idaho.

These fish ladders can be seen traveling the roads of Idaho. Carrying their precious steel head cargo beyond and around the dams and be deposited into the local waste water treatment plants to be borne again and flushed down our pristine rivers.
See how the fish seems stress-free. No dam turbines, no slimy steps to jump up, no expenditure of energy. They can save all of that for the BIG SPAWN.

It will be because of these ingenious and sacrificing souls that future generations will be able to enjoy the opportunity to fish this magnificent species.
So here's to you, you clever little Idahoan. Here's to You!